Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Best to Ever Walk the Earth

I was walking across campus last night when I realized that this would make an amazing picture. So, I sat down and took some different shots and decided that i liked this one the most. I've been wanting to take a photo of this, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to or when I wouldn't look like a creepster. Anyways, this is an amazing "person" as many would call him. And I think this picture is amazing. Enjoy. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ah......The Beach

I liked this picture, but it was my second favorite. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted my first favorite picture. I am heartbroken. :'( So I can't share my joy with you. But, hopefully this one'll do it for ya. Me gusta.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Newport Beach

So on Monday night, I went to Newport Beach and took some pictures. It was fun as usual. But choosing my favorite pictures was the hardest part for me. But, I ended up with this as my favorite overall. It looks like a ghost dressed in black in the picture, but it's just Sean.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

school is ridick....

i realize that school is important, and college is especially important. but is writing so many bloody papers necessary??? i've been writing this paper about custer for the past 5 hours. i haven't even finished it yet. what's even more sad is that i've only written about two and a half pages for the whole time. if paper's weren't necessary, which they are, school would be much easier.

Monday, December 8, 2008

i had an epiphany

so i was recently talking to some associates of mine this past weekend (justin, jill, and peter) and we were talking about cameras. i, unfortunately, really had no idea what they were talking about. so....i decided it's time for me to get some funds together to get a camera. i think this is an excellent idea, and they furvently agree with me. case closed.